Commi$$ioner!!© was conceived
by a gift rep principal and designed by sales and marketing
professionals to be used by independent sales representatives.
It is a marketing driven tool designed to help you grow your
business, not just measure it. It has been tweaked and adjusted
every step of the way until it does exactly what scores of
other contributing rep group principals had been longing for
software to do.
Unlike other rep software on the market, this program was
built from the start to be operated by a sales person, not
a computer genius. This means, whether or not you have
data entry staff, you yourself will be able to quickly and
easily access information you need, in the format you want.
And if you are a computer genius, you can additionally use
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Query to perform
your own analysis on each and every bit of information used
by The Commi$$ioner!
Imagine being able
to analyze sales by rep, by vendor, by month, by city, by
territory, by zip code, by state, by type of account, by type
of sale or by any other filter you may wish for, all at the
click of a mouse button!
Imagine being able
to see your customers and their buying habits organized in
groupings you choose because they are important to you, not
something an anonymous programmer felt you should have.
Imagine being able
to instantly isolate those customers that need to know about
a seasonal special, or being able to see who buys a certain
line, or, perhaps more important, who doesn't buy a line,
all at the click of a button!
No piles of reports
waiting for you to pore over them in order to find the information
you need, free at last to manage your sales force, your manufacturers,
your customers and your business to maximize results for everyone!
Imagine anything else?
Tell us and we shall add it just for you!
Imagine that!
Wait! You don't even have to imagine it. We, too, have
asked these questions in the past:
- How do we measure our business productivity?
- Where are we the most effective?
- What are our blind spots?
- What portions of our territories are the weakest? The strongest?
- How effective are our sales cycles and routes?
The Commi$$ioner will help you to answer these questions
and many more! For example, it will help you to determine
such things as:
- Sales by month, rep, manufacturer, territory, source,
zip code, city, whatever!
- When did a customer last order, from what manufacturer
and where was the order written!
- Which reps need guidance in writing across the board.
- How much business is written by a rep in the showroom
as opposed to the road.
- Which customers or reps are behind last years sales?
. . . and with what manufacturers.
- How much business was generated on the road, in the
showroom, on what dates?
- What orders were written in other showrooms and require
follow up?
With this kind of information, instantly at your fingertips,
providing instant views of opportunities, trends and shortfalls,
you will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your reps and
the profitability of your business.
Even if you already have a system for your business shouldn't
you be aware of what this powerful tool combined with Microsoft
Office can do for it?
Isn't your business worth
Check us out:
Commissioner Software, Ltd.
5545 Aryshire Drive
Dublin OH 43017
Phone/text 614-946-5781
Original Concept, Design and Programming: Alan Reaves
Additional Design and Programming: Yiannis Papadopoulos

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