This is the starting point for all Commi$$ioner functions.

Want to analyze your business? This is where you make
it happen!

Easily view a customers information and orders on
one screen.

Reports? We have reports! In fact, some of these buttons
lead to other menus of even more reports!
If you would like to find out more about the available
reports, check out the Reports

This is where you perform maintenance and set your

Get a handle on commissions that are due to you and
not yet paid by the manufacturer! What a way to find
lost commissions!

You work hard for your money. Now you can evaluate
the validity of a line. Are they shipping and paying?
What is the overall average commission rate paid?

Trend analysis. See how your reps are doing for the
past week, month, quarter and YTD!

Automatically create A, B, C and D groups of customers
based on last years sales! Show your reps who the
important customers are!

Now you can quickly generate a report to fax or email
to manufacturers questioning backorder status.

Our concise, easy to read commission statements have
a silent sales manager tool built in, letting reps
know what order source generated the commission.

The last page of the Commission Statement report provides
a record to pay reps with!

Now you have a quick sheet of what was shipped and
written last month by rep.

Need help? Pressing F1 on any form will bring up the
interactive help system, where you will find detailed
descriptions of every task!

From this screen all information regarding manufacturers,
reps, products etc. can be accessed.
"I like it but can't you do something about the
colors?". The Commi$$ioner uses your own Windows
appearance preferences. This means that all screens
will be displayed using YOUR favorite colors!
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