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Commi$$ioner Software Ltd Commi$$ioner Software Ltd Commi$$ioner Software Ltd
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Tips & Tricks

This page contains full reports on test data. Because each report has multiple pages they are provided in Adobe PDF files.

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Type Name
RSF Customers and Sales for the Period
Lists all customers until a filter is applied. Once a date range is entered it shows all customers and their sales by manufacturer for the period. It can be further filtered by a specific manufacturer or rep or any field and further filtered to any part of a field. Example: all customers with zipcodes beginning with the same 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits. This allows accurate drill downs to a specific area without being limited to specific small towns or boroughs!
RSF Customer List with Contact
A dynamic customer list. Can be sorted and filtered
FR Commission Statement
This silent sales manager really shows a rep that you are aware of their road performance while doubling as a commission statement!
RSF Commissions Due Review
Follow up on unpaid commissions! Quickly capture, review and fax or email this report to your manufacturers.
RSF Commissions Paid
Easily review commissions paid
RSF Customer Last Ordered by Manufacturer
See the last time each of your customers has had activity with a manufacturer.  Maybe it's time to generate a mailing to these customers.
FR Customer Yearly Sales Analysis
This is sometimes called the sales person's best friend. It should always be in the car.
RSF Customers & their 24 Months of Sales
Shows the sales volume of each customer by line over the immediate past 24 months
RSF Customer Sales by Date Range by (Optional) Manufacturer
Shows the sales volume of each customer over the immediate past 24 months
FR End of Month Manufacturer Summary
A quick sheet monthly recap of Manufacturer activity. These are actual.  Sales are not tied to shipped.
FR End of Month Representative Summary
A quick sheet monthly recap of Representaive activity. These are actual.  Sales are not tied to shipped.
FR Manufacturer Customer List with Sales
A summary report of all customers broken out by manufacturer
FR Manufacturer Sales by Representative
A summary report of all Manufacturers broken out by Rep
FR Manufacturer Yearly Comparisions
Review your prerformance by line by year.
RSF New Customers Since...
Did you ever want to know how many new customers your reps have added since a given date? Here it is!
RSF Not Ordered Since
Track down those elusive lost customers.
RSF Orders by Date Range
A listing of all orders in a selected date range
RSF Projected shipments
A quick view to help you budget and anticipate income
RSF Representative Sales by Source
See how your rep business is being generated.
FR Sales by Manufacturer Summary
Number of orders and sales totals
RSF Shipments
What shipped and when
FR Unshipped Orders
Follow up on those orders that use to slip through the cracks
Pivot Table Worksheet in Commissions Paid
One of our many pivot tables. Wait until you see what these things can do!
FR Writing Representative Sales by Manufacturer
A by line accounting for the Representative's performance

Type RSF - Report Styled Forms: Can be filtered by any field and further filtered to any part of a field. Example: all customers with zip codes beginning with the same 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits. This allows accurate drill downs to a specific area without being limited to specific small towns or boroughs!
Type FR- Formatted reports.
These reports are preformatted. Almost all of them are filtered prior to execution (display), again using multiple criteria. The differences with RSFs is that they are simpler and quicker but do not offer the same "real time drill-down" of the information.

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